Deepnight NPCs

Now that the Deepnight has a crew of player characters, it was also time to flesh out some of the high ranking NPCs of the command chain. Since two of them are going to be above the PCs in the chain of command, I don’t want them to be dominating the strategy and tactics of the mission, so I want there to be reasons why the PCs have to step up and make decisions occasionally, or possibly want to be the ones making the decisions. It’s a big, important mission, so those in charge have to be competent, but they also need to have weaknesses. The perfect people for the job didn’t want to go on a 20 year mission.
Commander Indra Cacamri
7 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 12 | 11 |

Vilani, Male, 35
Rank: Field Researcher/Scout, Tier 0 (Command Staff)
Commander Cacamri is Mission Commander for the Deepnight Revelation. He is in overall charge of the mission.
He is an extrovert and tries to involve others in the decision making process because he doesn’t like operating alone. He can organise others into teams and enable them to make good decisions, but is sometimes criticised for being a poor decision maker himself.
Surprisingly for an extrovert, Indra Cacamri started off working for the scout service before realising that being alone in a scout ship far from anyone else really wasn’t for him. He quickly transferred to a team of field researchers investigating worlds such as Tktk in the Trojan Reach, and it was there he discovered his talent for organising others into making good decisions. He has already obtained a reputation for organising meetings, though they always have a clear agenda and he seems to be able to only invite those that are actually needed rather than the entire command staff. Out of meetings, he always seems to be talking to people, trying to get their opinion on things.
He was selected due to his experience in both science and as a scout, plus it was decided that he was the least likely candidate to dominate the mission with his own personal agenda, but to ensure that the various mission divisions worked together to find the best course of action.
Admin 2
Astrogation 0
Deception 1
Diplomat 2
Investigate 1
Gun Combat 0
Leadership 2
Mechanic 0
Pilot 0
Science (Archaeology) 1
Science (Astronomy) 1
Science (Biology) 1
Survival 0
Vacc Suit 0
Captain Sishle Kishasaa
7 | 9 | 8 | 12 | 9 | 10 |

Vilani, Female, 36
Rank: Admiral (Imperium Navy), Tier 1 (Command Staff)
Captain Kishasaa is an experienced Naval captain who has seen action in the Trojan Reach and Spinward Marches, often acting on the frontiers of Imperium space against both pirates and Zodani forces.
She is known for being calm under pressure and making quick decisions when there are a lot of unclear options, though that hasn’t always turned out well. She is reasonably laid back when not under pressure, though likes to stick to protocols and regulations most of the time.
She began her career serving as officer aboard the light cruiser Bright Lightning, then got her first command on the Midu Agasham class destroyer Hydra which quickly became involved in several engagements with the Red Sons – a pirate conglomerate operating in District 268. At Pavabid, the Hydra was accosted by defence boats of the Church of Stellar Divinity just as she got word that there was a large gathering of pirate vessels in the outer system. Without time to gather more information, she gave the order to jump directly to the pirate stronghold.
Since everyone had expected the ship to be jumping out of system to Collace, she caught the Red Sons by surprise, but there were more of them than expected including some ex-military vessels. Without fuel, she had not much option other than to stay and fight, and the Hydra took significant damage. However, most of the enemy were powered down and by the time they were ready to fight, she had taken down one of the frigates greatly evening the odds.
Despite winning the fight, and breaking the back of the Red Sons, her crew weren’t happy with the decisions she’d made considering them to have been risky and expensive in cost to their lives. She was promoted and decorated for her victory and bravery, but on hearing about the Deepnight mission she decided to apply and try to leave some of her reputation behind her.
Admin 1
Astrogation 1
Athletics 0
Electronics (Sensors) 1
Gun Combat (Energy) 1
Gunner 0
Leadership 2
Mechanic 1
Pilot (Capital Ships) 1
Steward 0
Tactics (Naval) 3
Vacc Suit 0
Chief Flight Officer Nixphi Makamu
6 | 12 | 8 | 9 | 8 | 8 |

Vilani, Female, 33
Rank: Commander (Imperium Navy), Tier 3 (Flight Division)
Nixphi Makamu is in charge of the Flight division on Deepnight Revelation. She is a cheerful, outgoing woman with a lot of flight experience in star ships, small craft and most types of flyers. She is a dedicated professional who expects everybody else to be the same, though that doesn’t mean crew shouldn’t relax and enjoy themselves from time to time. Though she comes down hard on anyone causing trouble, she has been known to look the other way to a bit of joy riding as long as nobody gets hurt.
She tries to take the opportunity to get into a cockpit every now and again to keep her hand in, but is resigned to the fact that she’s now mostly a desk officer managing others doing the real work. She believes that she’s fully capable of doing the job though, if not better than most other candidates, so doesn’t resent the position.
She joined the Deepnight mission in order to go and do something ‘real’. Keeping the peace in the Imperium she just sees as police work, and believes the chances of a real war with either the Zhodani or Aslan is so remote that it’s not going to happen again in her lifetime. It’s not that she wants a war, but she wants the opportunity to put her skills to the test in an environment where success or failure actually matter.
Athletics 0
Drive 0
Electronics 0
Engineer (M-Drive) 1
Flyer (Grav) 1
Gun Combat 0
Gunner 1
Leadership 1
Mechanic 0
Melee (Blade) 1
Pilot (Small Craft) 2
Pilot (Spacecraft) 1
Tactics (Naval) 1
Vacc Suit 0
Senior Bridge Officer Shaji Kaliim
7 | 7 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 6 |

Vilani, Female, 28
Rank: 3rd Officer (Merchant Marine), Tier 5 (Flight Division)
Shaji Kaliim doesn’t have military experience unlike a lot of the Flight Division, but she has considerable experience managing a large ship. The fact that they normally carried cargo rather than fighters she doesn’t see as an issue. At loading time, the number of small craft being deployed around a super freighter to aid in the loading and unloading of cargo far exceeds the number of fighters deployed from a carrier, a fact she wastes no time in telling anyone who questions her ability to manage the bridge of a semi-military vessel.
One stain on her record is that she was accused of siphoning cargo to criminal gangs at Bonn, but during the investigation was able to provide watertight documentation to prove that it couldn’t have been here.
For those who know her, she has a good reputation, though has made few friends outside of the work environment. She exercises alone, often spending time swimming, or retires to her room to read or write fiction which she has refused to share with anyone else. The shipboard rumour is that it’s erotica, but attempts to gain access to it have so far failed.
Admin 1
Art 0
Athletics (END) 1
Broker 1
Drive 0
Electronics (Sensors) 1
Engineer 0
Language 0
Mechanics 1
Persuade 0
Pilot (Small Craft) 0
Profession 0
Steward 0
Vacc Suit 0
Sublieutenant Susan Amu Maphemia
6 | 7 | 8 | 10 | 9 | 8 |

Solomani (Islander), Female, 24
Rank: Senior Command Clerk (Tier 6)
Susan Maphemia is from New Colchis in the Islands, and was just getting used to the concept of the Imperium when she made the decision to sign on board the Deepnight mission. She sees herself as a glorified personal assistant to the entire command staff, and is always running around arranging meetings (especially for Commander Cacamri), chasing everyone to get logs filed on time and ensuring that information from the various divisions is suitable condensed, filtered and forwarded up the chain to those that make the decisions.
Several members of the crew have already made the mistake of taking her for granted due to her low rank, and then wondering why their requests never made it to the right person.
Nobody quite knows why she signed up for the Deepnight, and since she joined late and has spent most of her time working since coming aboard trying to ensure that everything is setup ‘just right’ (the previous crew member in her position “didn’t work out” and left things in a disorganised state), nobody has had much of a chance to get to know her socially.
Admin 1
Athletics 0
Drive 0
Electronics (Computers) 1
Flyer 0
Language 0
Melee 0
Profession 0
Steward 1
Streetwise 0
Vacc Suit 0
Amelie Kaliguuan
5 | 6 | 6 | 9 | 10 | 9 |

Vilani, Female, 32
Rank: Manager (Corporate Citizen), Deepnight Corporate Representative
Amelie represents the Deepnight Corporation, ensuring that the multi-billion credit investment that the company has made in this mission isn’t wasted. She expects to be well rewarded on the successful completion of the mission.
She is known to be something of a driving fanatic, with several holo models of racing cars decorating her quarters aboard the Deepnight. She has already claimed one of the Skerrier ATVs for ‘corporate use’, though no-one is quite certain where she is planning on using it.
Many of the crew are unsure what to make of her yet, especially those from a Navy background who see her as the representative of an interfering corporation when the nature of the mission obviously requires it to be military led. About half the members of the Mission Division have had ties to the Deepnight Corporation in one way or another, so tend to assume that she will speak for them, but still worry that she will be more corporate rather than science focused.
Admin 1
Carouse 0
Diplomat 1
Drive (Wheeled) 2
Electronics 0
Flyer 0
Leadership 1
Melee 0
Persuade 1
Profession (Finance) 2
Science 0
Steward 0
Streetwise 0
Vacc Suit 0
Lord Leon Sivas
6 | 7 | 6 | 7 | 9 | 12 |

Vilani, Male, 37
Rank: Counsellor (Noble Diplomat), Imperium Representative
Lord Leon Sivas represents the interests of the Imperium for the mission. He is a diplomat from Cyril in Reft, and doesn’t have much experience with science or exploration. As a Baron, he managed a large profitable estate along the coastal countryside. Recently his wife and two children were killed in a flyer accident, leaving him feeling at a loose end. His rather previously combative nature in the Imperium court also meant he had few real friends to fall back on.
So he;s decided to take the opportunity to leave behind everything he’s known and “find out what’s out there”. Though he’s had little science education, he claims that he is willing to learn, and is keen to represent the Imperium to external polities. He’s had some experience in Reaver’s Deep early in his career, mostly dealing with Aslan but also with the other minor polities there, so with no ties back home he seemed to be a reasonable choice for the role.
Admin 0
Advocate 1
Animals 0
Carouse 1
Deception 1
Diplomat 2
Electronics 0
Flyer 0
Gambler 1
Investigate 0
Language (Aslan) 1
Persuade 1