1228, Spring

After a two week hiatus, we got back to our Ars Magica campaign. Not a lot of progress was made this session though. I think a lot of us were tired and easily distracted by other topics of discussion unrelated to gaming (or at least unrelated to this game).
Though we were technically at the beginning of spring 1228, some of us had some characters to update on their activities over the past couple of seasons. This is often easy to do for magi, but can be less obvious to find something for companions to do.
There were some ageing rolls to do for the grogs and also for my companion Jack, who rolled badly and ended up dropping both Intelligence and Perception to -1. There was also a check to see if he had any more children, which he did, so I got to invoke the Tiffany Problem.
1228, Spring – Jack

It has been a cold winter, and I spent most of it moving between the “Library” and my home with Rohna and Matildis. I spend some time talking with Hamish at he Library, swapping stories about the ‘good old days’ with anyone who will listen. He is definitely looking tired much of the time, and even I’m starting to feel the cold in my bones.
Matildis will be three this year. Rohna gives birth to another daughter, who we name Tiffany since she was born on the Feast of the Epiphany.
1228, Spring – Pisciculus ex Criamon

There is talk of heading north to investigate some of the stranger things happening up there. Though I was keen to head there immediately, others wanted to wait until it was warmer. So the trip is put off until the summer.
The plan though is to head to the iron mines at Glen Docherty where people have been vanishing. After that, we can head up to the northern coast to investigate the sickness that has been causing insomnia and bad dreams. Finally, it may be worth visiting the covenant of Scapa Flow, where they may know something of Damhan-Allaidh.
In the meantime I will be doing further study of the Muto book. I feel that I have almost got everything I can out of it, and should be done with it before the end of the year.