1232, Spring 2

Following on from our previous session of Ars Magica, we are still in the Spring of 1232. After hunting down the corrupted Fey that was causing trouble in the local villages, Maedbh had an idea about what could have happened to the Stonehenge magi who apparently vanished on their way back from the Tribunal meeting.
Pisciculus ex Criamon, Spring 1232

It is still spring in 1232, and Jack and the others have returned with the body of a fae that seems to have been corrupted by eating some bad vis.
We’ve heard the news that the Stonehenge Tribunal is blaming Loch Leglean for the disappearance of the magi that they sent up to our Tribunal gathering. We were assuming that this had nothing to do with our covenant and hadn’t wanted to get involved, but then Maedbh had the idea that the fault may have been that of Dierdre ex Tytalus, who we know had a fascination for a certain fey sight near Inverkip.
So Maedbh and Allistor head down to Inverkip, along with Knox and myself. It is about 9 miles, so it doesn’t take too long. On reaching our destination, it is quiet and there is no sign of any people when we arrive there shortly after midday. There is a moderate faerie aura here, slightly stronger than it was last time we were here.
There is a nice conch on the beach, which I pick up and examine. It has nice twisting patterns on it which reminds me of the Enigma, and there is the sound of the sea echoing within it. I keep it as a sign of good omens.
Examining the village, it all looks like it’s been abandoned for a couple of years, and the faerie aura is still as powerful as it was. There are no signs that anyone has moved in since we were last here. Everything is overgrown with verdant flora, though the grounds near the church aren’t quite as vibrant.
We head up to the barrow, but it seems undisturbed since last time. At least to us. Fortunately we have Knox with us, who points out that there are some scuff marks where the ground has been disturbed quite heavily within the last few months. The grass has grown back over most of it, but it’s still visible to the trained eye.
Maedbh casts Prying Eyes to try and see what is inside the mound. However, she is unable to see anything. So she tries moving the stones aside, but again nothing happens. There is something odd about this, but it’s not obvious what that is.
Allistor decides there is an illusion there, and ignores the wall. He walks into the mound, and vanishes inside. He doesn’t immediately return. Maedbh pushes her hand in, and it goes through. Something inside seems to push her back, but she is stuck.
Maedbh starts waving her fingers around to try and communicate to see if Allistor is in there, and he writes “yes” on her arm. He is stuck in there apparently – it seems to be some sort of trap.
She tries to communicate with her sword, and is immediately able to pull her arm out. A dark doorway appears – it is the boundary of a regio. Apparently her sword dispelled the illusion that was hiding it. Maedbh can see through it, and tells us that Allistor is standing in there amongst the grave goods. Looking around inside, it appears that there may have been someone in here recently.
Examining the boundary, Maedbh thinks that it is designed to keep things in the mound, rather than to keep things out. Allistor signals to Maebdh to come in with the sword, and hopefully then the sword will be able to lead them back out. Maedbh starts collecting together some ‘gifts’ – flowers, some alcohol and other things.
Maedbh and Allistor do things for a bit, discovering that there is another doorway inside, which may goes deeper into the regio. Maedbh is about to step inside, when I stop her and ask her what the plan is. We come up with an idea to leave a message that other covenant members skilled in trail craft could fine, then possibly risk going inside.
First, Maedbh steps in with her sword to see if she can lead Allistor out. A few moments later, they both walk out.
The second gateway towards Arcadia was looking out onto a plane – which was rapidly turning from summer, to autumn, to winter. We decide not to go inside, so try to cover up the entrance which is now obviously a shadowy hole now that the illusion has been lifted.
We spend the night sleeping on the beach, and we allow Knox to spend the night sleeping. The weather takes a turn for the worse overnight, and everyone else complains of the cold rain. Personally, I find it quite refreshingly pleasant.
The next day we get back to the covenant.
A letter arrives from the “Library” (the pub we own in the city), informing us that there do seem to be a lack of children. This even affected their ability to send a letter back, since it was difficult to find a runner.
We draft a letter to Caitlin about what has probably happened to the Stonehenge magi, and take it to Crun Clach. There I meet up with my mystagogue Radislav ex Criamon, and head into the Cave of Illumination to begin my trial of meditation.