1233, Summer

We start by finishing off Spring 1233 in this session of Ars Magica. After that, we head back to the covenant and spend most of the rest of the year in study. Discussion between players as to how to organise access to the library takes up much of the session, along with a decision to make another copy of one of our books. We have a small number of very good books – a summa with a level of 20 and quality of 14 for example. These were found in the burning city in the regio beneath our covenant.
Pisciculus ex Criamon, 1233 Spring

We are still in the town of Ayr. Maedbh and Greysen head down to the docks to talk to the fishermen. They are fixing nets and telling stories. Greysen offers them free pints if they come along to his singing in the evening.
Maedbh checks the aura around the town, and finds that the whole place is under a Dominion aura. If the healers had been operating in the town, then they were doing this within the holy aura. However, I remember that something was said about the Healers doing their healing stuff on the outside of the town, where the aura would be lower.
That evening, there is a large crowd at the inn to listen to Greysen. Not just the fishermen, but most of the rest of the town as well. They spill out onto the street, and everyone seems happy – especially the inn keeper.
Talking to the fishermen, one of their friends was badly hurt in a fishing accident. A sail had swung around and crushed his chest, leaving him close to death. After being taken to the Angels’ camp, he came back perfectly fine.
We do want to check the healed people over for magical effects, but doing that in a tavern environment would be difficult. Not only is there a high aura, but people would notice someone chanting Latin. Greysen could get away with singing in Latin, but is ungifted. Maybe he needs a backing group to chant Latin spells during the concert…
Talking to the fisherman further, he vaguely remembers some chanting whilst he was being healed, but fell asleep during it. When he awoke, he was healed.
Maedbh talks to the homeless, finding an old guy who was surprised to make it through the winter. A number of his friends didn’t make it through the winter. Half a dozen of them – three children and three adults. He made it through and is old, and is surprised how many others died, especially younger ones.
Some chatter picked up by Greysen is that the healers were talking about meeting in Kirkcaldy later in the year.
We head back to the covenant.
For the rest of the season my plan is to read our book on Corpus. I would very much like to create a new spell – a version of Lift the Dangling Puppet which can affect multiple people. There are also some Imagonem spells, and protection from animal spells, that I would like to research.
Towards the end of the season I arrange with Alexandria for her to create a longevity potion for me at the end of the year. This is a boon that was promised to us when we first joined the covenant.
Pisciculus ex Criamon – 1233, Summer

Maedbh and I have a discussion about which books that we want to read. I’m planning on improving my skill with Rego, but she is wanting to study the rather superb book that we got from the library of Rats for the foreseeable future.
In the end, I decide that it would be easiest if I make a copy of the original myself, something that will take most of the rest of the year. I can then have it bound nicely and illuminated, which will make it much easier to read. So the rest of Summer and Autumn will be spent in copying arcane texts.
Pisciculus ex Criamon – 1233, Winter

Magistria Alexandria spends most of the season working with me to produce a potion of longevity. This will be my 34th winter, and I am getting to the point in my life where I need to stop the ageing process. There will be no children for me, but that is the price us magi pay for long life.
If I do ever want a “child”, then the route would be to take on an apprentice. For magi of the Order of Hermes, our apprentices are our descendants.
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