
In our previous session, the Deepnight Revelation had arrived at the Human-Droyne world of Grand Skies in Arcadia sector (a whole 20 sectors Spinward, and 9 sectors Rimward, of Core). We only had a short session this week, but it was long enough for the ship to cross the last of Arcadia sector and move rimward to Celadon sector.
At Grand Skies, they had obtained information about a Droyne colony that had been set up some centuries ago a few sectors Rimward of the Commonwealth. Contact with the colony had been lost, but it was known that they had discovered evidence of the Biologicals out that far. Indeed, it seems that the Biologicals originated from the region Rimward of the Commonwealth, then spread Coreward.
There is discussion about whether the Droyne and Biologicals had been working together, or working against each other – both the Droyne colonists and the Droyne who came through this region 300,000 years ago.
The young priestess Talliena wants to give some of the Ancient artefacts (obtained from her homeworld) to the Droyne here. After a discussion, in which they decide to keep the anti-matter and the disintegrator gun, it is agreed to hand over the biological specimens.
One of the players raises the question of what happened to the singing (screaming, whilst in jump space) stones. Which was good, because I wasn’t entirely certain whether the players had decided to keep them or not and hadn’t wanted to ask directly. It’s decided that they are still part of a research project aboard the ship.
Another piece of information gained from the locals (which had been mentioned before, but I think had been forgotten or missed) was that Biological artefacts were being sold on the black market on worlds along the border. Possibly it’s part of a plan by the Biologicals to get their weapons into human space.
They leave Dark Skies, and head to the Commonwealth system of Fure. Whilst refuelling at the gas giant, and doing some trading with the local way station, Albrinn Moss requests half a million Commonwealth Credits. Apparently he’s discovered an opportunity to obtain some unusual alien artefacts from the local underworld.
The XO grants him the request, and sends along a ‘bodyguard’ as well (just in case he’s not being honest). Moss comes back with a blade, plus Cr50K in change.
The weapon is made from a single piece of material, consisting of 20cm blade and about 15cm of handle. It looks natural, with two sharp edges and slightly curved to a point. There are patterns etched onto the surface, and when a living thing gets close to it, the patterns begin to animate.
Testing it raises questions from the Ethics committee, but they find some small animals to test on. When plunged into a living being, the edges of the blade split and stretch, ‘growing’ out into the creature it has penetrated. This causes more damage, and makes it very difficult to remove.
Alien Blade: Damage 1D6. Does +1 hits every round for the next 2D6 rounds. Requires a Medic check (DM penalty equal to number of rounds) to remove without causing an extra 1D6+(effect of Medic check).
The blade is made from the same material as the Twiglets, very probably the Rimward Twiglets rather than the Coreward variety. If the Twiglets of this region have natural weapons like this, then they are going to be far more effective war machines. The crew put together a report for the Commonwealth.
From here, the Deepnight heads into Celadon sector, arriving at the border world of Dublin. From here, the crew want to see what they can find out about the attacks on human worlds before heading out of the Commonwealth and into unsettled space.
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