1235, Winter

We get to the end of 1234 in our Ars Magica saga, and the new year begins with a second Winter. Switching from starting the year with spring, to starting it with Winter means a doubly long winter. Last session, we had a set of rumours, which gave us some things to investigate at the start of the year.

Due to players being on holiday, we’ll be taking a break for two or three weeks.

Jack – Winter, 1235

We had a big party for Hamish, who is 60. It is a long winter. The number of people heading north to fight in the war has dropped off significantly, just as I was wanting to start an information network amongst those heading north.

I spend most of the long winter continuing to train our Oliphant, with help from our resident Trow, and my two children. She is learning, and growing, quickly. Especially since Maedbh seems to be sneaking her treats all the time.

Pisciculus ex Criamon – Winter, 1235

Myself, Allistor and Maedbh head to investigate the earthquake near Aberfeldy and Pitlochry. We bring the grog Knox along with us. Pitlochry is up in the highlands, and we arrive there just after dark. There are a lot of refugees here, and that combined with the destruction of buildings means there is no place for us to stay in the inn.

Maedbh has a good conversation with the innkeeper. He says that nobody who has gone to Aberfeldy has come back. After the earthquake, people went to all the villages to ensure that things were okay, but nobody who went to Aberfeldy ever returned. Now, nobody is going that way, and he strongly advises that we don’t go anywhere near there.

Maedbh pays people to hear their stories, and quickly gets mobbed by everyone wanting to tell her anything. Discussions about Aberfeldy mention that strange music was heard from that direction. There is a stone circle not far from Aberfeldy as well.

Whilst we are in the inn, Allistor heads off to scout out the area on his flying staff. He comes back some time later to report that he saw fires, dancing, music and partying near Aberfeldy. There were courtly looking ladies and knights in shining armour there as well.

There are some soldiers here, huddling in a corner. Knox goes to chat with them. They have been heading down from north, trying to meet up with colleagues in the south. They have haunted expressions and look like they have seen plenty of action recently.

That night, we camp outside of the village. Come morning, we head towards Aberfeldy. Unlike Allistor, we can’t fly, so it’s going to take most of the day. Ahead of us on the road, we see the soldiers already on the road heading south. We take the road west, passing through some abandoned and damaged villages.

As we head west along the road, the faerie aura seems to increase. After a while, we start to hear music. There are large, brightly coloured tents and groups of people dancing around May poles. There seems to knights and jousting. This must be some sort of faerie event, which could be interesting but also very dangerous. Hopefully Maedbh will know how to deal with the situation.

Samuel Penn